The Unique

1、Zhengzhou city ecological garden

2、The most concentrated area in Zhengzhou city site protection (72)

3、The oldest place of Zhengzhou city -- the site of the old grandmother Temple (forty thousand years ago)

4、Zhengzhou city's highest - Huang Longgang (an altitude of 253 meters)

5、Zhengzhou cherry planting area of the largest areas

6、Zhengzhou city expanding training as early as the most densely populated (6)

7、The geothermal resources in Zhengzhou city are the most abundant

8、The natural style of Zhengzhou city is the most primitive - gully, wind, trace and landscape

9、The largest base for rural tourism and the guest of Zhengzhou city

10、The most distinctive local fish of Zhengzhou city

11、The only beautiful countryside in the downtown area of Zhengzhou

12、Zhengzhou city is the most beautiful ornamental lotus

13、The best choice for the field rides in Zhengzhou

14、There is the best preserved courtyard building in Zhengzhou - Wang courtyard house

15、Zhengzhou city has the most cultural characteristics of the Shang Dynasty porcelain -- Commodities hall